Even a cursory consideration of the Pakatan performance as administrators of five states will establish that they are fair, reasonable and, most importantly, not corrupt, observes Tommy Thomas.
Imagine Britain being governed by the same political party, say, Labour, for 55 successive years from 1957. Or the United States by the Republican party for the same continuous, unbroken period. That has been Malaysia’s fate since Merdeka.
The 13th General Elections, which must be held before 28 June 2013, gives Malaysians an opportunity to break free from the monopoly of political power exercised by Umno, first, in the guise of the Alliance and subsequently as Barisan Nasional.
Umno dominance
The five years between the 12th General Elections in March 2008 and the 13th have been a watershed period in post-independent Malaysia because of the establishment of a truly functioning two-party system, with a strong opposition capable of forming the next government.
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But it took half a century for our nation to accomplish this stage of democratic development. Like many peoples of nations emerging from colonial rule in the Third World, Malaysians were very grateful to the Alliance party, led by Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman, for gaining independence from the British. The reservoir of goodwill for nationalist independence fighters greatly assisted Umno in the early decades.
Race, which the colonial power had exploited in its divide-and-rule policy, became the singular fundamental feature of Malaysian politics since Merdeka, reflected at the centre by the Alliance coalition comprising Umno, MCA and MIC, each representing a specific race, and expected to pursue the interests of its ethnic constituency. In the early days, Umno acted as the elder brother, with a semblance of contribution from its junior siblings, MCA and MIC. But there was never a question of parity.
After the National Operations Council (NOC) through its Director, Tun Razak, assumed actual power in the wake of the 13 May 1969 riots (which itself was a coup de’ etat against the continued leadership of Tengku), Umno’s ascendency and dominance were never questioned. Hence the practical reality since the early 1970s is that Barisan is actually Umno, and major decisions affecting the nation are more often than not taken in the inner recesses of Umno, rather than the Cabinet.
Ayatollah Khomeini’s rise to power in the Iranian Revolution of 1979 resulted in an Islamic resurgence across the globe. It had its influence in Malaysia by the mid-1980s, when Prime Minister Dr Mahathir decided to outflank Pas by taking up Islam as a political ideology and weapon.
Thus, Umno added religion to race, a powerful emotive cocktail in a plural society. Race or religion infects nearly every decision made by Umno, and the state apparatus controlled by it. It will therefore not be an understatement to describe race and religion as the fundamental elements of modern Malaysian politics.
Perhaps the most unacceptable consequence of a lengthy rule by Umno is its control over all the nation’s public institutions, like the media, the universities, the civil service and the police. Length of governance creates rulers who believe they have a divine right to rule, that,there is no longer any difference between the nation state and the ruling party – they become inseparable. Thus, Umno has behaved as if its interests are identical with those of Malaysia’s.
When genuine support for Umno ebbed over time, a climate of fear was developed, with the spectre of May 13 repeated time and time again to intimidate and frighten the electorate, especially the older generation and non-Malays.
The success of Pakatan in depriving Barisan of the much vaunted two thirds majority in Parliament, winning 10 out of 11 Parliamentary seats in Kuala Lumpur, and capturing power in five states in March 2008 forever demolished the myth of Umno’s invincibility.
Even if ethnic-based politics played a role in securing Merdeka and governing an infant nation, they have long outlived their use, and should be jettisoned. The next stage in Malaysia’s evolving democracy is a change of national government. As night follows day, it will inevitably happen.
The Deepak saga currently hogging the internet media, which has for all practical purposes became the mainstream media for millions of Malaysians disgusted with the putrid reporting of newspapers, epitomises the depths to which our public life has descended: only a basket nation like Zimbabwe can provide an adequate parallel.
Here is an absolutely unknown businessman of a minority ethnic group without any known institutional support mocking the Prime Minister and his wife for over one month without anyone from Umno defending them.
One would have thought that such repeated public criticism of Umno’s president constitutes a direct challenge to the entire party, which in the past was always met with a stinging rebuttal from Umno, and thereafter by the full might of the state. One only needs to recall strident calls just months ago to revoke the citizenship of Ambiga Sreenevasan, also a member of the same minority ethnic group, when she bravely led Bersih’s legitimate struggle for electoral return.
What must be kept in mind about Deepak’s allegations is their gravity: after all it concerns the barbarous murder of a Mongolian mother visiting her alleged lover in Kuala Lumpur, and its cover-up. The critical issue in her murder – who gave the instructions to the two patsies to C4 her – has never been investigated, and the perpetrators have never been charged.
A society that does not allow the most thorough, independent and professional investigation leading to the arrest, prosecution and conviction of Altantuya’s actual murderers forfeits all claim to be a decent, law-abiding society.
It is no coincidence that such brazen conduct takes place in a society where the political leaders have governed for half a century and have treated the nation and its institutions like their private property and its electorate with contempt. Accountability, integrity and truth are lost values in our society.
Even the establishment’s response to Deepak’s blackmail has been striking: since his private debt has to be settled, a company which purports to look after the interest of armed forces service personnel has been directed to bail him out. What has been totally disregarded is the corporate governance question: how are the interests of this company, its shareholders and creditors served by this transaction? Because Umno controls the management of hundreds of companies, the distinction between Umno’s interests and the interests of such companies is blurred.
Seldom in history is Lord Acton’s acute comment “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” more apt than in contemporary Malaysia.
Governing Malaysia
It is often argued by Umno apologists that on a relative basis, Malaysia is prosperous.
The response should be: to which country are we being compared? If we are compared to Burma, Nigeria or Colombia, yes, we are flourishing. But surely, any comparison should be with countries with equivalent standing, that is, our peers. South Korea and Malaysia were victims of the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. Indeed, South Korea received IMF assistance in 1998. But 15 years later, by every measure, South Korea has surpassed Malaysia by leaps and bounds. Whether in heavy industry, ship-building or technology, South Korea is absolutely world-class: think Samsung, LG and Hyundai. Likewise, its democratic traditions.
Hence, the best way to describe the management of Malaysia’s economy is that despite poor and misguided policies that have impinged on business, Malaysia has thrived because of natural resources and the industry, initiative and inherent business skills of its people, especially those in the SMEs.
Corruption and nepotism have caused leakages in the billions. If Tan Siew Sin had remained as Malaysia’s Finance Minister for these 55 years, his prudent stewardship would have saved, I suggest, at least 1 trillion ringgit.
A nation’s greatest asset is its people: human capital. Umno’s brilliant policies have driven away 1.5-2.0m Malaysians with their skills and talents enjoyed by other nations. In return, we have attracted 4-5m immigrants (legal and ‘illegal’) to keep our country “cheap” and to depress the wages of our labour.
What a great exchange! Just to cite one illustration of the loss to Malaysia and benefit to other nations: if all Malaysian citizens were to immediately leave Singapore and return to Malaysia, Singapore would be seriously affected.
A Pakatan government?
It is often asked: we accept Umno’s weaknesses, but better the devil you know; can we trust Pakatan to govern better? The short answer is that in a proper functioning two-party system, we shall have an opportunity in four to five years to throw them out at the 14th General Elections. A nation is always better served when governments alternate regularly: after all, that is the raison d’etre of genuine free and fair general elections.
But the better answer is to consider the actual track record of the five Pakatan state governments from 2008. Even detractors accept Lim Guan Eng has led Penang superbly and should be entrusted with national leadership. Likewise, Selangor.
Proponents of “big development” criticise the Pas style of leadership in Kelantan and Kedah: what is disregarded in this analysis is that their soft, gentle and slow style receives support from their electorate. Nizar Jamaluddin was a fantastic Menteri Besar in Perak, and his administration was already making waves in the first year, which resulted in the Umno orchestrated coup d’etat.
Even a cursory consideration of the Pakatan performance as administrators of five states will establish that they are fair, reasonable and, most importantly, not corrupt. Can the same be said of the other state governments ruled by Umno? When one also takes into account heavyweight politicians of the standing and experience of Nik Aziz, Hadi Awang, Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh being given senior Cabinet positions, the ship of state will be in very safe and capable hands.
Anwar Ibrahim will be sworn in as Malaysia’s seventh Prime Minister when Pakatan is elected. In a public life exceeding 30 years, Anwar had had his detractors. But it must be remembered that he was a very successful Finance Minister for some five years, even earning accolades from Mrs Thatcher.
He was equally a very successful Deputy Prime Minister; indeed, so successful that his boss had to remove him in 1998! Being in the political wilderness for 15 years, and having suffered the humility of prosecution, persecution, conviction and a long jail sentence can only have humbled him. Dr Mahathir and Umno have been obsessive and have used the might of the state to prevent Anwar from assuming power.
But the Malaysian electorate is the final arbiter. Malaysians should therefore look forward with confidence to Anwar’s prime ministership. We hope his government will take race-free, religion-free and colour-blind decisions.
The one person in Malaysia who cannot accept Anwar becoming Prime Minister is Mahathir, who can only judge people by his (Dr M’s) own values and standards. Consequently, Mahathir expects an Anwar administration to settle scores, particularly against him and his family. He may be proved wrong.
What is to say that rather than wasting the time, energy and resources of the State in investigating and prosecuting Dr Mahathir and his cohorts in what may be perceived as political vendetta, Anwar may appoint a “Truth and Reconciliation” Royal Commission, modelled along Nelson Mandela’s post-apartheid South Africa, with a mandate to discover the truth (rather that punishing wrongdoers) as a means of reconciling the nation and moving forward to meet fresh challenges.
If the majority of Malaysians accept that a change of government is imperative and cast their ballots in the forthcoming general elections, it will happen. Pious people should also seek divine intervention. With God’s blessing, Malaysia should finally leave the yoke of one party rule by the middle of this year. Millions cannot wait for it to happen soon enough.
AGENDA RAKYAT - Lima perkara utama
- Tegakkan maruah serta kualiti kehidupan rakyat
- Galakkan pembangunan saksama, lestari serta tangani krisis alam sekitar
- Raikan kerencaman dan keterangkuman
- Selamatkan demokrasi dan angkatkan keluhuran undang-undang
- Lawan rasuah dan kronisme
A two-party system is I think the best alternative for Malaysia as it challenges both the people and leaders to be more matured in governing for the common good. The experience in Sabah has been a disaster especially in our relation with Barisan Nasional – which has always been dominated by UMNO from the time of ts inception. The multi-party system only divides the people more, and when divided they cannot focus on a visionary struggle simply because under the current arrangement, these party leaders can be divided and ruled over by a more dominant. The Gagasan experiment in 1987 would have been a good chance had it not been for the indicisiveness of our state leaders. Nonetheless, now there is another chance and I believe that the situation today is more conducive due to many promising factors – all of which contribute towards maturing our electorates. As far as Sabah is concerned, one of the main set back in this coming election is certainly the presence of “foul” voters (some say more than 30%???), to which the Election Commission keeps mum, even though we know… Read more »
I firmly believed, from a long time, Anwar having been through a baptism of fire, very much like Mandela, at the hands of Mahathir…who enriched … his cronies at the expense of Malaysia Rakyat (Petronas, rated top 50 companies in the world with more than USD550B is worth only 50B today, why and what happened to their funds, just ask mahathir, he will just respond “I cannot remember”?). What Marcos & Suharto took from Philippines & Indonesia is peanut …?… PR managed Penang & Selangor like Spore govt controls its budget. Everyone from USA to China, Bloomsberg, S&P, Moody, Fitch, Forbes & Spore Govt & the average man in the street in Malaysia could see with their own eyes, with a corrupt free State Government, Malaysia will be on the road to a developed nation in 10 years. Thanks to Internet media, Malaysians realised that the Ruling Party has been shamelessly plundering the nation for the past 55 years. Taib in Sarawak, Musa Aman in Sabah just helped themselves … yet the people lived in poverty with their land taken away with impunity… Blessed is the… Read more »
A brilliant analysis. Let us work towards a better future for Malaysia.
I forgot to mention that though AI is no angel by a long shot, but after enduring the 56 years rule of the morons anyone is always better than what we are getting half a loaf is better than none !
To begin with Malaysia has been ruled by the deceitful morons for so many decades it is because of the many deceits and frauds used by these morons to stay as the watchdog of this country. Daily now scandals after scandals committed by these Umno morons are being revealed and as a result these morons have run out of ideas how to keep their deceitful ways hidden. Also on how to continue their deceits thus they are now resorting to buying votes from the Malaysians with money they don’t have or better still, with borrowed money. Just remember the country is still indebted heavily and rated the same as Spain and Italy, yet over the last year or so they have given away millions or billions of ringgits. I reiterate, with borrowed money, not with money of their own ! Everyone knows that the money has to be repaid, I might add with interest, for every action there will be an equal opposite reaction, therefore more new taxes for sure will be implemented if the morons are reelected to remain in Putrajaya. To ensure that will… Read more »
as always there is a tendency to gloss over things…….anwar was the man behind the islamization of malaysia….from his days as a um student and as leader of abim. and he was no brilliant finance minister either…..emerging markets were the flavour when he took over and his sec gen at the finance ministry was herbert clifford, a conservatist and a traditionalist who prevented anwar from doing anything stupid.
anwar maybe our hope now but that should not stop us, especially people who should know better like tommy thomas, from seeing him for what he was and therefore watch his future steps very carefully as well.
we have waited for 55 yrs for contributions like this, its an eyeopener. we need more of these.