ALIRAN Online A Reform Movement dedicated to Justice, Freedom and Solidarity
On the roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
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Aliran's Links
Check out these links to 'alternative' websites...

Malaysian political parties and prominent NGOs/pressure groups

Malaysia Central - A useful starting point to hundreds of Malaysian links

A. Malaysian Politics and Democratic Institutions
B. Malaysian History
C. Arts, Literature and Culture
D. Gender Issues
E. Health, Environment and Human Development
F. Human Rights
G. International Politics and History
H. Political Economy
I. Religion and Philosophy
J. Science, Technology and Society

A. Malaysian Politics and Democratic Institutions

The Malaysian Parliament
The Malaysian Hansard: Verbatim transcripts of parliamentary speeches
The Malaysian Judiciary
The Election Commission (including election results)
Office of the Prime Minister of Malaysia
Veteran opposition politician Lim Kit Siang's Homepage
Malaysian Social Science Association

B. Malaysian History

Malaysian History
The National Library of Malaysia
History of the Malay Peninsula
May Day: A website remembering the Judicial Crisis in 1988
Classic Malaya: A Photographic Tribute to Malaysia's Past

C. Arts, Literature & Culture

Malay Hikayat Literature: A Collection of Rare Malay Books
The Universal Declaration of Linguistic Rights
Artis Pro Activ (APA) (Pro-active Artistes): artistes promoting freedom of expression

D. Gender Issues

Women's Agenda For Change

E. Health, Environment & Human Development

Coalition Against Health Care Privatisation
A Physicians' Proposal for US National Health Insurance
Richard Levin's "When Science Fails Us" (Edinburgh Medal Lecture, 1996)
Healthcare Budgets in a Changing Political Economy
Darwinian Medicine: Evolution and Disease
The Social Ecology of Stress and Human Health
Boston Tea Party II (3 December 1997)
Herman Daly: Sustainable Growth - An Impossibility Theorem
Healthcare Financing in Transition (Malaysia)
Forests Monitor
Sustainable Penang Initiative (SPI)

Malaysian Logging Firms
The Batek homepage - indigenous hunter-gatherer community in Malaysia
The UNDP Human Development Report

F. Human Rights

International Human Rights Instruments
Programme on Non-Violent Sanctions and Cultural Survival
Country Report on Human Rights Practices 1999 (released by US State Dept)
Suhakam and Human Rights in Malaysia
Human Rights Internet
December 18, Online Network for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers

G. International Politics & History

The Democratisation Process in Singapore
The Chomsky Archives
Noam Chomsky - The United States and the "Challenge of Relativity"
The Think Centre, Singapore
Amartya Sen on Democracy
Hidden Agendas (John Pilger)
Alternative Views on Singapore

H. Political Economy

"What Happened to Asia?" - Paul Krugman
Paul Krugman's Homepage
Ben Anderson on the Asian Crisis 

I. Religion & Philosophy

Christians for Adil

J. Science, Technology & Society

Steven Jay Gould's "Darwinian Fundamentalism"
JBS Haldane - Science and the Future (1923)
Richard C Lewontin's "The Confusion over Cloning"
The Gaia Hypothesis (James Lovelock & Lynn Margulis)
No Patents on Life! (The Council for Responsible Genetics)
Before the Big Bang (Steven Weinberg)
Survival of the Nicest? (Richard C. Lewontin)

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