Sadly, despite its attempt to promote Malaysia as a moderate Muslim country, the Malaysian government has failed to match its rhetoric with its actions, says Sisters in Islam (SIS).
Sisters in Islam (SIS) is deeply disappointed that the Malaysian government has deported the Saudi blogger Hamza Kashgari without due process. This deportation was carried out despite the absence of an extradition treaty between the two countries and the probability that Hamza might face the death penalty in Saudi Arabia for alleged blasphemy.
Home Minister Dato Seri Hishammuddin Hussein’s statement that we have an agreement with other countries to always return their citizens should they ask for them is therefore questionable. In the absence of an extradition treaty with Saudi Arabia, under what legal provision did Hishammuddin act in deporting Hamza Kashgari?
Secondly, from what we understand, Hamza Kashgari’s lawyers had been denied access to see their client since 10 February 2012 and were not informed of his impending date of deportation. In fact, a court order was granted by Justice Rohana Yusof to stop the deportation. Therefore, we demand to know which legal provision was used by the Malaysian government to arrest and detain Hamza Kashgari.
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Thirdly, the Saudi penalty for blasphemy is death – a punishment found neither in the Qur’an nor under Malaysian law. What Allah exhorts in the Qur’an in Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 159 is this:
And it was by God’s grace that thou [O Prophet] didst deal gently with thy followers: for if thou hadst been harsh and hard of heart, they would indeed have broken away from thee. Pardon them, then, and pray that they be forgiven. And take counsel with them in all matters of public concern; then, when thou hast decided upon a course of action, place thy trust in God: for, verily, God loves those who place their trust in Him.
Hamza Kashgari withdrew his tweet and made a public apology – surely the Islamic and humane way would be to show him compassion and forgiveness.
Fourthly, do we not have any autonomy in deciding our own policies, or do we, as Hishammuddin implies, adhere to the whims of countries we perceive as more powerful? Do we no longer enjoy any independence in deciding what happens within our borders? The Malaysian government should have exercised discretion in favour of Hamza Kashgari and allowed for due process within our court system.
Sadly, despite having set up the Global Movement of Moderates recently in an attempt to promote Malaysia as a moderate Muslim country, the Malaysian government has failed to match its rhetoric with its actions. Nor indeed did it heed or advocate God’s Mercy and Forgiveness as found in the Qur’an.
AGENDA RAKYAT - Lima perkara utama
- Tegakkan maruah serta kualiti kehidupan rakyat
- Galakkan pembangunan saksama, lestari serta tangani krisis alam sekitar
- Raikan kerencaman dan keterangkuman
- Selamatkan demokrasi dan angkatkan keluhuran undang-undang
- Lawan rasuah dan kronisme
Our BN is more afraid of Saudi money and power than in the greatness, mercy and compassion of Allah.
Truly, to those Muslims calling for Kashgari’s head, please meditate on the Kalimah you chant all day,
“Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim”
– “In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Compassionate”.
Wallahi, watallahi wabillahi, if this man is not punished by beheading, according to the shariah law, then I will leave my faith. I feel ashamed to call myself muslim when we cant give proper justice to this man even when we have him cornered in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia boasts of shariah law, then why cant we implement the law at least now in order to safeguard and restore the honour of our beloved prophet Muhammad(pbuh). I don’t think we should pay any heed to these so called “moderate muslims” who are seeking forgiveness for this blasphemer just to please their western masters. There is no need to whitewash Islam, because it is not a product we are trying to sell in a market. Despite the seemingly barbaric nature of shariah law, thousands and thousands of people convert to Islam every year. This proves that truth does not require any marketing gimmick. Truth stands our clearly from falsehood as mentioned in the holy Quran. Now, I keep hearing this repeatedly…what would our prophet himself have done in such a case. Well. please educate yourself about the… Read more »
… please do us all a favor and leave your faith. Hamza Kashgari’s life is more precious than your hurt feelings. Grow up, coward.
Mr Mohd Elfie Jufferi, obviously you are so brain dead that you cannot differentiate between true spirituality and religion. All religion is man made. This fact is indisputable. By insisting that another man’s life is subservient to your dogma, you are belittling the spirituality that is prescribed in your scripture. The poem that Hamza Kashgari wrote was about the conflicts that all spiritually inclined people go through, (raw, honest, and disturbing all at the same time) before we find the Peace within – (the true Islam) What is sad is there are many people in the world today (like you) who cannot see through the hegemonic aspirations of Saudi Arabia that uses Islam to promote their ambitions. ( in concert with a deceitful, shameless and spineless Malaysian Government) For the Sauds it is all about the money and power not spirituality, that is why they fear reason and dissent; wherein a private discourse of a man truly in search of the truth is turned into into a despicable act. Seek Harder Mohd Elfie Jufferi, before you can be called a true faithful. Hamza Kashgari had the… Read more »
Dear SIS
Thank you very much for this excellent article and arguing the case so well. Craven Submission to those with power,, can never be a respectable act. Shame on those who made this awful decision and whatever the outcome now for Hamza, they are guilty of being one link in the chain of vicious persecution.
A wiser more humane way is to be critical of the deed , without attacking the doer. Ministers in Malaysia, you have let your country down.