Aliran joined close to a hundred civil society groups in rallying around the 25 moderate Muslims who had called for a public discourse on Islamic laws within the framework of the Constitution.
We, a group of Malaysian NGOs fully support the recent open letter from a group of 25 personalities that identified themselves as “a group of concerned citizens of Malaysia” to urge the government to hold a public discourse on Islamic law vis a vis the Federal Constitution.
The 25 individuals, who identified themselves as “moderate Muslims”, comprised of, among others, retired civil servants, judges and ambassadors.
We applaud the courageous action of these towering figures to stand up and publicly address sensitive yet critical issues plaguing our nation. Too often in the history of nations, the extremists have triumphed not because they enjoyed majority support, but because the majority were silent and idle.
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Like similar-minded NGOs working for the love of our nation, these 25 senior citizens chose not to be passive and have voiced their dismay and abhorrence at the current state of the nation.
We share their sentiment that “there is a real need for a consultative process that will bring together experts in various fields, including Islamic and Constitutional laws, and those affected by the application of Islamic laws in adverse ways”.
We would further add that a similar process of consulting relevant experts and stakeholders, be applied to matters related to the process of legislation of other laws too. These should be undertaken in an ambience of transparency, best practices, mutual respect and permeative consultation.
The letter raises the alarm that “the use of the Sedition Act hangs as a constant threat to silence anyone with a contrary opinion”. We couldn’t agree more with this statement.
The Prime Minister has reneged on his promise to repeal the Act and announced that the Act would be further emboldened with two additional provisions. We are deeply concerned with this development.
Individuals in the group of 25 that had held high public offices previously should be proud that they have discharged their official duties justly and honourably.
These personalities in the group of 25 are exemplary citizens of Malaysia. We support them and urge other Malaysians to do the same.
We abhor all forms of extremism, hate speech and violence. In the spirit of peace, muhibbah and nation building we invite all Malaysians to engage in a healthy, rational and civil discourse on pressing national issues and to silence the voices of hate and extremism in our beloved nation.
Endorsed by:
1. All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) 妇女行动组织
2. Alumni Association of National Taiwan University, Malaysia 國立台灣大學馬來西亞校友會
3. Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (WargaAMAN) 马来西亚和平力量组织
4. Asalkan Bukan Umno (ABU) 只要不是巫统
5. Association of Women Lawyers (AWL)女律师组织
6. Baramkini当今峇南
7. Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC) 关注原住民组织
8. ENGAGE 社区参与网络
9. Federation of Malaysian Indian Organisation (PRIMA) 马来西亚印裔组织联合会
10. Friends in Conversation 朋友对话圈
11. Friends of Kota Damansara (FoKD)哥打白沙罗之友
12. Gabungan Persatuan Nama Keluarga Cina Malaysia 马来西亚华人姓氏总会联合会
13. Himpunan Hijau 绿色盛会
14. Human Rights Organisation (HAKAM) 人权组织
15. Institute for Development of Alternative Living (IDEAL) 另类生活发展研究所
16. Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) 回教复兴前线组织
17. Japan Graduates Association, Malaysia (JAGAM) 马来西亚留日同学会
18. Jawatankuasa Perpaduan Nasional, Huazong 华总全民团结委员会
19. Jihad for Justice (JforJ) 公平圣战组织
20. Kajian Politik untuk Perubahan (KPRU) 政改研究所
21. Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华大会堂
22. Kumpulan Aktivis Mahasiswa Independen (KAMI) 独立学生份子组织
23. Kuen Cheng Alumni Association 坤成校友会
24. Leadership and Professionalism Development Society Malaysia (LEAD Malaysia) 马来西亚领导与专业发展组织
25. LLG Cultural Development Centre林连玉基金
26. Lingkaran Islam Tradisional (LIT) 伊斯兰传统圈
27. Majlis Perundingan Malaysian Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu, Sikh, dan Tao (MCCBCHST) 五大宗教理事会
28. Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) 马来西亚-中国总商会
29. Malaysia-China Friendship Association 马中友好协会
30. Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibility (MPSR) 马来西亚社会责任医师
31. Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS) 马来西亚印裔前进组织
32. Malaysian Youth Care Association (PRIHATIN) 马来西亚关怀青年组织
33. Malaysia Youth & Students’ Democratic Movement (DEMA) 马来西亚青年与学生运动
34. Merdeka University Berhad 独立大学有限公司
35. Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF) 穆斯林专业论坛
36. Nanyang University Alumni Association of Malaya (Nanda) 马来亚南洋大学校友会
37. National Indian Rights Action Team (NIAT) 全国印裔权益行动组织
38. Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall (NSCAH) 森美兰中华大会堂
39. Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute (OHMSI)东方思想研究中心
40. Partners in Community Organising (Pacos Trust) 沙巴社区伙伴信托组织
41. Penang Chinese Town Hall (PCTH) 槟州华人大会堂
42. People Welfare and Rights Organisation (POWER) 人民福利及权益组织
43. Perak Green Pioneer (PGP) 霹雳绿色先锋
44. Perak Women for Women Society (PWW) 霹雳妇女协会
45. Persahabatan Semparuthi 大红花之友
46. Persatuan Akademi Sains Sosial Kuala Lumpur吉隆坡社会科学研究会
47. Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran) 国民醒觉运动
48. Persatuan Alumni Chung Ling Wilayah Tengah中马锺灵校友会
49. Persatuan Alumni PBTUSM KL & Selangor 雪隆理華同學會
50. Persatuan Bekas Siswazah Universiti dan Kolej di China, Malaysia (LiuHua) 马来西亚留华同学会
51. Persatuan Foochow Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur 雪隆福州會館
52. Persatuan Hakka WPKL dan Selangor (Hakka) 隆雪客家总会
53. Persatuan Kebudayaan Dan Kesenian Malaysia-China马中文化艺术协会
54. Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER) 雪兰莪社区醒觉组织
55. Persatuan Menyokong Polisi Satu-China大马支持一中协会
56. Persatuan Pengimport Ubat Arak Perubatan Dan Barang Kesihatan China Malaysia马来西亚中国医药保健商会
57. Persatuan San Jiang Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor (SanJiang) 隆雪三江公会
58. Persatuan Mahasiswa-mahasiswa Taiwan Cheng Kung Universiti, Malaysia 馬來西亞留台成功大學校友會
59. Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS) 雪隆社区协会
60. Persatuan Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia (Proham) 人权促进协会
61. Persatuan Rapat Malaysia (RAPAT) 马来西亚快速变革组织
62. Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor (PSWS) 雪兰莪妇女之友学会
63. Persekutuan Persatuan Tabib Dan Pedagang Ubat Tionghua Malaysia 马来西亚华人医药总会
64. Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia (IKRAM) 马来西亚回教革新组织
65. Pertubuhan Perkembangan Keharmonian Zheng He Kuala Lumpur Dan Selangor吉隆坡及雪兰莪郑和和谐发展协会
66. Projek Dialog (PD) 对话论坛圈
67. Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS) 社区传播中心
68. Research for Social Advancement (REFSA) 社会进步研究机构
69. Sabah Women’s Action Resource Group (SAWO) 沙巴妇女行动资源组织
70. Sarawak Access (SACCESS) 砂拉越连接组织
71. Save Open Spaces, Kota Kinabalu (SOS-KK) 拯救公共空間-亞庇
72. Save Sarawak River (SSR) 拯救砂拉越河流组织
73. Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) 我是马来西亚之子
74. Selangor & Federal Territory Kwong Siew Association雪隆广肇会馆
75. Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Association雪兰莪暨吉隆坡福建会馆
76. Sisters in Islam (SIS) 回教姐妹组织
77. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)人民之声
78. Tamil Foundation (TF) 淡米尔基金会
79. Tamilar Action Force (TAF) 淡米尔行动力量组织
80. Tan Kah Kee Foundation 马来西亚陈嘉庚基金
81. Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy (TBFTFD) 赵明福民主基金会
82. The Dramatic Art Society 剧艺研究会
83. The Federation & Alumni Associations Taiwan University, Malaysia (FAATUM) 馬來西亞留臺校友會聯合總會
84. The Federation of Chinese Association Johore State (FCAJ) 柔佛州中华总会
85. The Selangor & Federal Territory Zhong Shan Association雪兰莪暨联邦直辖区中山同乡会
86. The Selangor & Kuala Lumpur Kwang Tung Association雪隆广东会馆
87. The United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia (Dong Zong) 董事联合会总会(董总)
88. The United Chinese School Teachers’ Association of Malaysia (Jiao Zong)
89. United Chinese School Alumni Associations of Malaysia (UCSAAM) 马来西亚华校校友会联合会总会(校友联总)
90. We Are Malaysians (WAM) 我们是马来西亚人联络网
91. Women’s Aid Organisation 妇女援助机构
92. Women Development Organization of Malaysia, PJ Branch马来西亚妇女发展组织机构(八打灵分会)
93. Women’s Centre for Change, Penang (WCC Penang) 槟城妇女改变中心
94. Writers Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI) 维护媒体独立撰稿人联盟
95. Yayasan Usman Awang乌斯曼阿旺基金
96. Penang Forum Steering Committee
AGENDA RAKYAT - Lima perkara utama
- Tegakkan maruah serta kualiti kehidupan rakyat
- Galakkan pembangunan saksama, lestari serta tangani krisis alam sekitar
- Raikan kerencaman dan keterangkuman
- Selamatkan demokrasi dan angkatkan keluhuran undang-undang
- Lawan rasuah dan kronisme
Tan Soo Beng
G25 then …now ALIRAN says 2 dozen ?!
One of the signatories withdrew; apparently he has now decided to rejoin.