Over 80 civil society groups have endorsed a movement set up to work towards a more socially inclusive society while rejecting all forms of bigotry.
On a daily basis, we are confronted with serious challenges that have begun to undermine the very foundations of our Nation. The peace and harmony of our multi-ethnic, multi-faith and multicultural society are under threat.
Ethnocentric and race-based politics and communally-minded politicians continue to derail the process of inclusive nation building and the formation of a Bangsa Malaysia national identity. Importantly, religion is now increasingly used as a main marker of identity, and as a boundary maintenance mechanism to polarise the people.
There are political parties and their affiliates that are not focused on nation building, rather on building their respective power bases. These parties on both sides of the divide pursue their agenda that are transactional and short-term, not transformational and long-term.
The mobilisation and manipulation of race, ethnicity and religion have resulted in increasing intolerance, bigotry and extremism. There is also an emerging sub-culture of political violence. These are symptomatic of dangerous under-currents in our society.
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The State, by default or design, has failed to address these pernicious developments. The State has also failed to play the role of an honest broker in managing conflicts in our society.
We believe the majority of the People want to end this brand of divisive ethno-religious politics.
We want to take ownership, fully cognisant, that Malaysia is a nation where her people are inextricably bound by a shared history, commonweal and destiny.
We have to act before our society descends into the abyss of instability.
The ‘Negara-ku’ coalition aspires to mobilise and empower the People:
- To resist all forms of intolerance, bigotry, hatred, extremism, and violence;
- To oppose all forms of discrimination, oppression, persecution and injustice;
- To strive for a socially inclusive society;
- To exhort the State and its institutions to respect, adhere and uphold the rule of law; and
- To demand adherence to the principles of stewardship, integrity, accountability and transparency in all aspects of governance.
We will strive to do this by returning to the basics:
- The Federal Constitution as the supreme law of the land;
- The Malaysia Agreement; and
- The Rukunegara as the guide for national objectives and values.
By this process of engagement and empowerment we endeavour to “heal the nation” and “restore hope ” in our future.
Endorsed on 2 July 2014 by:
1. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Aliran) 国民醒觉运动
2. All Women Action Society (Awam) 妇女行动组织
3. Alumni Malaysian Islamic Study Group USA/Canada (A-MISG) 美国加拿大马来西亚伊斯兰教研究校友会
4. Anak Muda Sarawak (AMS) 砂拉越青年之子
5. Angakatan Nasional India Malaysia(AGNI) 全国印裔进步组织
6. Angkatan Warga Aman Malaysia (WargaAman) 马来西亚和平力量组织
7. Asalkan Bukan UMNO (Abu) 只要不是巫统
8. Association of Women Lawyers (AWL) 女律师协会
9. Baramkini 反巴兰水坝网络
10. BERSIH Singapore 新加坡净选盟
11. Borneo’s Post in Malaysia Foundation (BoPim) 马来西亚婆罗洲通讯基金会
12. Centre for Orang Asli Concern (COAC) 原住民关怀中心
13. Community Action Network (Can) 社区行动网络
14. Engage 社区参与网络
15. Federation and Alumni Associations Taiwan University, Malaysia (FAATUM)
16. Federation of Malaysian Indian Organization (Prima) 马来西亚印裔组织总会
17. Federation of ZhongShan Association Malaysia 马来西亚中山会馆联合会
18. Friends of Kota Damansara 哥打达曼沙拉之友
19. Friends in Conversation (FIC) 清谈之友网络
20. Gen Two Training Academy (Gentra) 世代培训学院
21. Global Bersih 2.0 全球净选盟
22. Hands of Malaysian Extended (Home)
23. Harapan Kluang (HK) 居銮希望组织
24. Himpunan Hijau绿色联盟
25. Institute for Development of Alternative Living, (Ideal, Sarawak)
26. Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) 回教复兴前线组织
27. Japan Graduates’ Association of Malaysia (Jagam) 马来西亚留日同学会
28. Jaringan Kampung Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia (JKOASM) 全马原住民网络
29. Johore Yellow Flame (JYF) 柔佛黄色火焰组织
30. Knowledge and Rights with Young people through Safer Spaces (Kryss)
31. Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) 吉隆坡暨雪兰莪中华大会堂
32. Kajian Politik untuk Perubahan (KPRU) 政改研究所
33. Kuen Cheng Alumni Association (KCAA) 坤成校友会
34. Lingkaran Islam Traditional (LIT) 伊斯兰传统圈
35. LLG Cultural Development Centre (LLG) 林连玉基金
36. Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (Mipas) 马来西亚印裔进步组织
37. Malaysian Indian Transformation Action Team (Mitra) 马来西亚印裔行动转型组织
38. Malaysian Physicians for Social Responsibilities (MPSR)
39. Malaysian Youth & Students Democratic Movement (Dema)
40. Malaysians for Beng Hock (MBH) 全民挺明福
41. Maljis Perundingan Malaysian Agama Buddha, Kristian, Hindu, Sikh dan Tao (MCCBCHST)
42. Muslim Professionals Forum (MPF) 穆斯林专业论坛
43. National Human Right Society (Hakam) 全国人权组织
44. National Indian Rights Ation Team (Niat) 全国印裔权益行动组织
45. Negeri Sembilan Chinese Assembly Hall (NSCAH) 森美兰中华大会堂
46. Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute (OHMSI) 东方思想研究中心
47. Partners in Community Organising (Pacos Trust) 沙巴社区伙伴信托组织
48. Penang Chinese Independent Schools’ Education Society 槟城独中教育学会
49. Persatuan Alumni Chung Ling Wilayah Tengah 中马钟灵校友会
50. Persatuan Alumni PBTUSM KL dan Selangor 雪隆理华同学会
51. Persatuan Bekas Siswazah Univesiti dan Kolej di China, Malaysia (LiuHua) 马来西亚留华同学会
52. Persatuan Fui Chiu WP dan Selangor (FC) 雪隆惠州会馆
53. Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (Empower) 雪兰莪社区自强学会
54. Persatuan Guangxi Malaysia (PGM) 马来西亚广西总会
55. Persatuan Keturunan Chattriyar Malaysia (PKCM)
56. Persatuan Komuniti Prihatin Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur/ Malaysian Youth Care Association (Prihatin) 马来西亚青年关怀组织
57. Persatuan Kwangsi Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur 雪隆广西会馆
58. Persatuan MAKKAL Nalam, Malaysia (PMNM)
59. Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (Permas) 雪隆社区协会
60. Persatuan Promosi Hak Asasi Manusia (Proham) 人权协会促进组织
61. Persatuan RAPAT Malaysia (Rapat)
62. Persatuan Terapi Bantuan Haiwan untuk Warga Kurang Upaya dan Warga Emas (Pet Posit) 以动物輔助疗法协助残疾长者协会
63. Persekutuan Long Kong Malaysia (PLKM) 全国龙岗亲义总会
64. Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia(Ikram) 马来西亚回教革新组织
65. Pertubuhan Pemuda GEMA Malaysia (Gema)*
66. Planet Earth Alliance (Pea) 行星地球联盟
67. Projek Dialog (PD) 对话论坛组织
68. Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (Komas) 社区传播中心
69. Sabah Women’s Action Resource Group (Sawo) 沙巴妇女行动资源组织
70. Sarawak Access (Saccess) 砂拉越通道组织
71. Save Rivers Sarawak 拯救砂拉越河流组织
72. Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) 马来西亚之子组织<
73. Seksualiti Merdeka (SM) 性别自由组织
74. Selangor and Federal Territory Chung Shan Association 雪隆中山同乡会<
75. Selangor ad Kuala Lumpur Hokkien Association 76. Sisters in Islam (Sis) 回教姐妹
77. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (Suaram) 大马人民之声
78. Tamil Foundation (TF) 淡米尔基金会
79. Tenaganita Women’s Force 80. Tindak Malaysia 81. United Chinese School Alumni Associations of Malaysia (Xiao You Lian Zong or UCSAAM) 马来西亚华校校友会联合会总会校友联
82. United Chinese School Committes’ Association of Malaysia UCSCAM, DongZong 马来西亚华校董事联合会总会(董总)
83. United Chinese School Teachers’ Association of Malaysia Jiao Zong 马来西亚华校教师会总会教总
84. Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) 妇女援助中心
85. Women Development Organisation of Malaysia, PJ Branch 马来西亚妇女发展组织八打灵区
AGENDA RAKYAT - Lima perkara utama
- Tegakkan maruah serta kualiti kehidupan rakyat
- Galakkan pembangunan saksama, lestari serta tangani krisis alam sekitar
- Raikan kerencaman dan keterangkuman
- Selamatkan demokrasi dan angkatkan keluhuran undang-undang
- Lawan rasuah dan kronisme
Voices of calm and reasons to stem the tide of state sanctioned racial and religious bigotry founded on the need for power preservation to feed the insatiable material craving or to inflate the supremacist ego of some. The following quotes by Edmund Burke are most appropriate to justify the founding of Negara-Ku –
‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’.
‘No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little’.
Who is the biggest racist of all in this country ? The one who started the whole racial problem that is facing the country to day and he is none other but the egregious Mahathir. He had almost the entire civil services filled up with, almost 96% of them all, with people of one particular colour of the skin. When the population of this country consists of, if one can accept the figures he came up with, 60% Malays and 40% (minorities) and why aren’t these figures reflected accordingly in the civil services ? …
There is no question why he is being identified as the mother and father of the racial problem the country is facing to day. Is that why the saying that the more aggressive a person, … the worse will be the racist policies he will implement…. The one thing he couldn’t or didn’t do was to fulfill the 30% quota reserve for the Malays in his 23 years rule of this country. He couldn’t care a dam about filling these figures….