Home Coalitions Clean and Fair Elections Tolak DNAA untuk kes rasuah orang politik (Malay/English)

Tolak DNAA untuk kes rasuah orang politik (Malay/English)

Zahid Hamidi and Najib Razak at an Umno assembly 2018 - FILE PHOTO: SETH AKMAL/THE MALAYSIAN INSIGHT

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[ENGLISH VERSION BELOW] Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) merujuk kepada kes pengubahan wang haram bekas Perdana Menteri Najib Razak membabitan dana SRC International Sdn Bhd (SRC) berjumlah RM27 juta yang telah ditetapkan September depan untuk pihak pendakwa raya membuat keputusan sama ada akan melepaskan tertuduh tanpa membebaskan (DNAA) atau tidak.

Isu pemberian pelepasan tanpa pembebasan oleh peguam negara ini bukan perkara baharu, malah pernah berlaku beberapa kali melibatkan ahli-ahli politik daripada hampir semua parti politik utama dalam negara.

Bersih khuatir perkembangan ini akan meruntuhkan kepercayaan rakyat kepada institusi penguatkuasaan undang-undang khususnya pejabat peguam negara.

Kenyataan peguam negara pada 15 Januari bahawa pendakwa raya tidak perlu memberi penjelasan apabila memohon menarik semula dakwaan adalah tidak boleh diterima sama sekali apabila kes itu melibatkan kepentingan awam dan ahli politik di peringkat tertinggi pentadbiran negara.

Justeru, Bersih bersama rakan-rakan NGO dan anak muda mengadakan satu tunjuk rasa (flash mob) untuk memberi peringatan awal dengan menegaskan bahawa sudah tiba masanya untuk peguam negara menghentikan segera pemberian pelepasan tanpa pembebasan kepada kes-kes rasuah khususnya yang melibatkan ahli politik.

Kami menggesa supaya mereka yang sedang berhadapan tuduhan kes rasuah ini untuk mempertahankan diri dan dibicarakan dengan seadilnya di hadapan mahkamah, dan bukannya digugurkan tuduhan mereka dengan ‘pengurniaan’ pelepasan tanpa pembebasan.

Desakan ini penting sementara menanti hasil kajian taskforce oleh kerajaan persekutuan berkenaan cadangan untuk memisahkan bidang kuasa peguam negara dan pendakwa raya.

Seiring dengan itu, Bersih menggesa Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim untuk mengumumkan garis masa pelaksanaan pemisahan bidang kuasa ini serta agenda-agenda reformasi lain termasuk reformasi Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia dan akta pendanaan politik.

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Bersih ingin mengingatkan kerajaan persekutuan tentang janji-janji dan prinsip reformasi yang diperjuangkan oleh mereka sebelum memegang tampuk kuasa.

Rakyat sedang memerhati dan sekiranya pemberian pelepasan tanpa pembebasan untuk kes rasuah sebegini berterusan, kepercayaan rakyat terhadap institusi awam bakal dihakis.

Jangan ambil ringan gelombang kemarahan rakyat! Tolak DNAA! Tolak rasuah! – Bersih

English version

No conditional discharge for corruption cases involving politicians

The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (Bersih) refers to the money-laundering case of former Prime Minister Najib Razak involving funds from SRC International Sdn Bhd (SRC) amounting to RM27m.

Najib was told he could apply for a full acquittal or discharge not amounting to an acquittal in September, if prosecutors are unable to decide by then on his representation to drop the RM27m SRC International money-laundering charges against him.

The issue of granting a discharge not amounting to an acquittal (release without acquitting) by the attorney general is not new. In fact, it has happened several times, involving politicians from almost all major political parties in the country.

Bersih fears that this development will erode the people’s trust in law enforcement institutions, especially the Attorney General’s Chambers. To make matters worse, the attorney general’s statement on 15 January that the public prosecutor does not need to give an explanation when applying to withdraw charges is completely unacceptable, when the case involves public interest and implicates politicians at the highest level of our country’s administration.

Therefore, Bersih, together with our NGO partners and youth, held a flash mob to remind the public and insist that it is time for the attorney general to immediately stop applying for any discharge not amounting to an acquittal for to corruption cases involving politicians.

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We reject any discharge not amounting to an acquittal for any politician from any party who is being charged with corruption and criminal breach of trust. We urge those who are facing corruption charges to defend themselves and be tried fairly in the court, instead of dropping their charges with the ‘gifting’ of such a conditional discharge.

This is an urgent demand while awaiting the outcome of the taskforce by the federal government regarding the proposal to separate the offices of the attorney general and the public prosecutor.

In line with that, Bersih urged Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to announce an implementation timeline for this separation of the attorney general and public prosecutor, as well as other reform agendas such as the reform of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act and the [enactment of] a political financing act.

Bersih once again reminds the federal government of the Reformasi promises and principles that it advocated before assuming power.

The people are watching and if discharge not amounting to an acquittal continues to be granted for corruption cases involving politicians, the people’s trust in our public institution will be eroded. Do not take the people for granted.

No to discharge not amounting to an acquittal! No to corruption! – Bersih

The views expressed in Aliran's media statements and the NGO statements we have endorsed reflect Aliran's official stand. Views and opinions expressed in other pieces published here do not necessarily reflect Aliran's official position.

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  1. Tegakkan maruah serta kualiti kehidupan rakyat
  2. Galakkan pembangunan saksama, lestari serta tangani krisis alam sekitar
  3. Raikan kerencaman dan keterangkuman
  4. Selamatkan demokrasi dan angkatkan keluhuran undang-undang
  5. Lawan rasuah dan kronisme
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