Home TA Online 2013 TA Online Malaysia perlukan visi kedua (A second vision is needed for Malaysia)

Malaysia perlukan visi kedua (A second vision is needed for Malaysia)

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Kita perlu mematuhi prinsip bahawa negara ini lebih besar dari satu individu atau organisasi, dan hanya minda yang tidak terkongkong boleh membina masyarakat yang berfikiran luas, kata Thuraisingham Shan. (Original version in English below)


(Translated by Ridfan Abdul Hamid into Malay from the original in English below )

Mana-mana warga Malaysia yang mengikut agama apa pun ada hak untuk hidup dengan aman. Tiada siapa ada hak merosak integriti perpaduan minda ini. Perpaduan minda adalah nadi hidup masyarakat kita, dan apa yang membuat negara kita istimewa. Setiap warga Malaysia ada hak untuk hidup dengan bermaruah. Setiap warga negara ini ada hak bercita-cita untuk kecemerlangan.

Kita perlu ada semangat untuk berjaya, semangat yang akan membawa kita ke takhta dunia; semangat yang faham bahawa kita waris kepada tamadun yang gemilang, dan ada tempatnya di bumi ini. Jika semangat utuh ini timbul, tiada apa akan menahan kita dari mencapai kegemilangan pada masa hadapan.

Setelah merasai hasil pembangunan, warga Malaysia inginkan lagi pendidikan, peluang untuk cemerlang dan pembangunan.

Tetapi mimpi mereka untuk Malaysia yang bersatu dan makmur nampaknya retak, oleh pihak berpolitik pecah belah dan perkauman, oleh kelebaran jurang di antara yang miskin dan yang kaya, oleh peningkatan gejala perkauman, dan oleh kelopongan pertahanan di sempadan-sempadan negara.

Saya tidak faham – sudah masuk 56/50 tahun merdeka – apa yang telah dilaksanakan untuk memelihara konsep dan inti ilham 1Malaysia.

Isi penting acuan negara yang gembira, aman dan makmur adalah dengan dasar-dasar pembangunan mampan.

Sebagai masyarakat yang global – lebih-lebih lagi sebagai negara yang membangun – masyarakat kita ada detik pengiktirafan dalam sejarah. Selepas 56/50 tahun kemerdekaan, kita perlukan era kemakmuran kekal tanpa diskriminasi, pembangunan dengan kesaksamaan, penindustrian, dan penjagaan persekitaran.

Ada jurang besar di antara kampung dan bandar, yang boleh dikenal pasti – ia tertera dalam tahap pendapatan dan kualiti kemudahan awam. Ini perkara yang penting dari segi keamanan dan kemakmuran negara.

Kita perlu pastikan sistem pembangunan yang mampan dengan menyumbang kemudahan yang ada di bandar ke kawasan perkampungan, sambil memangkin kemampuan tenaga kerja yang sedia ada di perkampungan. Ini boleh dinamakan sebagai Perkenal Kemudahan Urban di Kawasan Rural  (Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas) atau Pura. Transformasi boleh dicapai dengan implementasi Pura. Ia boleh dilaksanakan oleh kerjaaan pusat atau negeri bersama pelbagai inisiatif latihan dari sektor swasta.

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Pura adalah gabungan teknologi, tenaga manusia, tradisi, kemahiran dan semangat keushawanan untuk mencapai pembangunan mampan yang mampu dicapai dari segi kewangan, kesaksamaan dan penjagaan persekitaran. Pura boleh diguna pakai oleh pelbagai pihak masyarakat – kerajaan, sektor swasta, dan masyarakat setempat – yang boleh berkerjasama ke arah pembangunan sosio-ekonomik berdasarkan pemerkasaan dan bukan pengagihan.

Dasar untuk negara yang gembira, aman dan makmur adalah pembangunan mampan. Sebagai negara membangun, Malaysia berdiri di detik pengiktirafan dalam sejarah. Kita perlu menyahut cabaran dan keperluan negara masa kini: kemakmuran kekal tanpa diskriminasi, pembangunan dengan kesaksamaan, penindustrian dan penjagaan persekitaran.

Ketandusan batin masyarakat negara ini mencerminkan satu fikiran kegagalan.

Pemikiran itu penting, Usaha itu caranya, Perlaksanaan itu penyelesaiannya. Kepimpinan perlu membawa kita ke kemakmuran.

Kita perlu membina negara di mana kemiskinan sudah dihapuskan dan keadaan buta huruf telah tiada lagi. Kita perlu mencorak masyarakat di mana jenayah terhadap wanita dan kanak-kanak sudah dihapuskan dan tiada sesiapa di dalam masyarakat ini tersisih.

Jangan jadi si lilin, jadilah kupu-kupu yang terbang ke cahayanya. Faham kuasa dalam berkerja untuk rakyat.

Kita seperti terperangkap dalam bentuk politik luaran, salah anggap yang itu akan membina masyarakat makmur. Berkerja dengan hati nurani jernih. Hati nurani adalah cahaya matahari dalam liang-liang jiwa kita.

Akhir kata:

‘Wahai warga Parliament, pencorak negara,
Pimpin kami ke arah cahaya dan makmurkan hidup kami,
Usaha ikhlas anda adalah mercu suar kami
Jika anda berkerja keras, kita semua sejahtera’

[Nota: Banyak maklumat di ambil dari buku-buku APJ Abdul Kalam]

Original in English published on 26 November 2013:

We need to abide by the principle that the nation is bigger than any individual or organisation and only borderless minds can create a borderless society, says Thuraisingham Shan.

Any citizen following any faith has the fundamental right to live happily. No one has the right to endanger the unity of minds. Unity of minds is the lifeline of our nation, which makes our country unique. Every citizen in this country has his or her right to live with dignity. Every citizen has a right to aspire for distinction.

We need a spirit of victory, a spirit that will carry us to our rightful place under the sun, a spirit which will recognise that we are inheritors of a proud civilisation, one entitled to a rightful place on this planet. If that indomitable spirit were to arise, nothing can hold us from achieving our rightful destiny.

Having tasted the fruits of development, Malaysians are hungry for more education, more opportunities, more development.

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But their dreams of a prosperous and united Malaysia seem precariously shattered as the demons of divisive politics and norm of racial sentiments, the gaping economic inequalities, the increasing racial sentiments, and insecurity at our borders, tear into the vitals of the nation, and the very idea of nationhood.

I fail to understand – into 56/50 years of independence under such conditions – what has been done to preserve the core and concept of 1Malaysia.

The fundamental ingredient in the evolution of a happy, peaceful and prosperous nation is laying the foundation for sustainable development. As a global society – particularly as an emerging and developing nation – our nation has its defining moment in history. After 56/50 years of Independence, we need an era of consistent prosperity with inclusion, development with equity and industrialisation and environmental concern.

There is a large scale divide between the rural and urban, which can be identified – manifested in the income levels and the quality of human amenities. It is a matter of concern with regards to the sustenance of peace and prosperity.

We now have to ensure a sustainable development system evolves within the realms of providing urban amenities in rural areas, while harnessing the potential rural masses of our nation. This can can be termed as Pura (Provision of Urban Amenities in Rural Areas). Societal transformation can be achieved within the implementation of Pura. It can be implemented by the federal and state governments along with the many private and educational sector initiatives.

Pura is an amalgamation of technology, people, traditions, skills and entrepreneurial spirit to achieve sustainable development that is financially viable, socially equitable and eco friendly. Pura can be a vehicle for a variety of stakeholders – the government, the private sector and community – who can closely work towards socio-economic development based on empowerment rather than endowment.

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The foundation for the evolution of a happy, peaceful and prosperous nation lies in sustainable development. As a developing and emerging nation, Malaysia’s stands at a defining moment in history. We have to seriously tackle the needs of our times: prosperity with inclusion, development, with equity and industrialisation, and environmental concern.

The inertia that has gripped the national psyche reflects a mindset of defeat.

Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way, Working and implementation the solution. Leadership must lead us to prosperity.

We have to create a nation where poverty has been totally eradicated and illiteracy removed. We need to evolve a society where crimes against women and children are absent and no one in society feels alienated.

Don’t pretend to be a candle, be a moth. Know the power hidden in serving. We seem to be stuck with external forms of politics, mistaking them to be nation building. Work with your conscience. Conscience is the light of the sun that burns within the chamber of our hearts.


Oh, Parliamentarians, the sculptors of our nation,
lead us to light and enrich our lives.
Your honest toil is our guiding light.
If you work hard, we can all prosper.

[Note: Much of the information above has been sourced from the books of APJ Abdul Kalam.]

Thuraisingham Shan, a cooperative and management consultant, was the first Malaysian to be awarded the Bonow Fellowship by the International Cooperative Alliance.

The views expressed in Aliran's media statements and the NGO statements we have endorsed reflect Aliran's official stand. Views and opinions expressed in other pieces published here do not necessarily reflect Aliran's official position.

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  2. Galakkan pembangunan saksama, lestari serta tangani krisis alam sekitar
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  4. Selamatkan demokrasi dan angkatkan keluhuran undang-undang
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najib manaukau
27 Nov 2013 7.36am

This is what all Malaysians have been asking, fighting for. Unfortunately with Umno as tenants of Putrajaya since independence the nation is going from bad to worst. Waiting for 56 years is a long time band it is time to change , no doubt it is better late than never. Malaysia must change at all cost ! All the so called ‘partners’ in the coalition must stop pretending they are still asleep or is doing the right thing, for crying out loud leave the partnership to day so that all the Umno morons will become, overnight, the minority in parliament and thus the opposition. No doubt to keep you as partners the Umno morons will start offering you far better deals than all of you are getting and will treat you as partners. Real partners and I mean real partners ! But that will be far too late the change, if any, will be temporary. To ensure that things in the country will change for the better so jump now and don’t till you get kicked out in the next GE. Don’t even wait for another… Read more »

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