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Time to declare a climate emergency

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We need to take urgent steps to stop emitting carbon and to begin drawdown, says Sonia Randhawa.

I wasn’t particularly bothered by climate change. It was happening, sure, but we’d figure out a fix by the time things got bad, in a hundred years or so.

But then I had children, just as I joined a climate action group. And I realised that things are bad, that we are already living in an unsafe climate, and that we need urgent emergency action to take us out of this danger zone and back into an area of safety.

The case for climate catastrohpe is compelling. Even advertisers have been getting on board to use it to sell energy-efficient appliances.

But energy-efficient appliances are not going to save us. Neither will sorting out our recycling or even shifting to electric cars. No individual actions will make a dent in the problem.

What we need is political action to ensure that Malaysia both moves to carbon neutrality in the fastest possible time, and starts investigating what mitigation measures need to be taken to ensure that our population, our standard of living and our most vulnerable are protected.

Let’s start with the science. The case that climate change was caused by humans, that it was likely catastrophic, and that urgent action was needed was comprehensively documented, at least in the United States, by 1979.

Since then, industry-funded scientists – the same individuals who led the fight against regulation on matters as diverse as tobacco, acid rain or chlorofluorocarbons that destroy the ozone layer – have pretended that there was some doubt in the scientific community.

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The record, however, is clear: Those who specialise in climate science overwhelmingly (at least 97%) agree that climate change is happening, that it is caused by people, and that the sooner we move to a carbon-neutral economy, the cheaper change will be. And rapid change now is not just cheaper, it is safer.

But there is a huge problem with the science. Scientists are trained to make sure that they don’t overstate their case, so their predictions are worryingly sanitised, particularly in a process that requires consensus like the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change.

To give one example, the IPCC predicts sea level rises of less than a metre by the end of the century. Yet, that explicitly discounts what are possibly the major causes of sea level rise – the melting of land ice over Greenland and Antarctica.

The reason for this is good science: The amount that these ice sheets will melt over the next century hasn’t been quantified. Nobody knows how much they will contribute to sea level rise. So the figures are left out. Think about that. The effects that they cannot be absolutely sure will happen, those effects are just not in the report.

So, because scientists play it safe, as a planet, we are on a knife’s edge. The permafrost in Canada, just to take one indicator, is melting at 70 times the rate scientists predicted.

If the Greenland ice sheet melts 70 times faster than scientists are predicting, we’ve got a couple of decades at most before Butterworth, Teluk Intan, Klang, Melaka… most of the West Coast is under water. And at least one Harvard atmospheric chemist, James Anderson, says it is just five years before that happens. The clock is ticking…

READ MORE:  Africa's zero-dollar decolonial climate action plan

As I’ll continue exploring next month, we are in a climate emergency, and we need to take urgent steps to stop emitting carbon and to begin drawdown.

The views expressed in Aliran's media statements and the NGO statements we have endorsed reflect Aliran's official stand. Views and opinions expressed in other pieces published here do not necessarily reflect Aliran's official position.

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Obs Frfar
23 Jul 2019 6.00pm

The following paper was put out by an expert reviewer of IPCC report 2013.

*The author, John McLean (PhD): has studied climate issues for about 13 years, is the author of four peer-reviewed papers on climate subjects, was an Expert Reviewer of the 2013 IPCC report, has
an extensive computer background and his PhD was on an issue related to climate science.


Obs Frfar
20 Jul 2019 12.11am

And my final post 🙂

This is a seminar presentation by John Casey, a retired NASA scientist who was one of the 2 persons to predict the weakening of solar cycle 24. Many well funded institutions such as NASA , universities and research centers all failed to make the correct prediction.

His presentation is well referenced and easy to follow. He was also the author of “the cold sun” .


Obs Frfar
19 Jul 2019 11.51pm

Peter Van Der Lans What can we do to stop climate change ? NOTHING. Climate had always been changing and it goes through cycles of warming and cooling. If we look at history it is clear that during periods of warming such as the roman warm period or the medieval warm period and even our modern warm period human civilization saw an explosion of development and progress. Weather too are generally moderate and agriculture produce were in abundance. On the other hand it was during period of cooling such as the maunder minimum, sporer or dalton minimum within the last 500 years that human society faced the harshes calamity of weather, diseases, impoverishment, uprising and the dark ages. Such periods of warming and cooling had been closely associated with the sun activities. The indicator that is often used is the sunspot number. The sun goes through , with great regularity, of 11 year cycle of minimum and maximum. Every few hundred years the sun took a longer “sleep” period and gave rise to grand solar minimum. Solar cycle 24 that is ending now is the weakest… Read more »

Obs Frfar
19 Jul 2019 11.10pm

e. Antartic melting at an unprecedented rate ? You need a better perspective. There were 3 antartic research stations over the years. 2 of them are already under ice so thick it can’t be dug out. The 3rd is only barely serviceable because they had the foresight to put it on stilt that can be jacked up.

Have a look at this.



Obs Frfar
19 Jul 2019 11.09pm

d. One of your contention was that the artic sea ice had been melting and this will cause huge problems. But the artic sea ice had been melting and freezing over the years but the last few years the artic sea ice had really become very thick.
Have a look at the research done by Tony Heller on this. If you go to his channel and search on “artic” you will get a load of videos and references. Don’t believe him…..fact check him.


Obs Frfar
19 Jul 2019 10.00am

a. The science is not settled. If it were the climate models would have it right MOST OF THE TIME. BUT not it is WRONG ALL THE TIME. Their only saving grace so they claimed was that the model prediction correlated well with the past. That’s deceptive because they had cooled the past and used bad co2 data and they used this to build the models. This was why the output had agreed with the “fraudulent climate data”.

You had claimed that the science was settled in 1979. The author of that paper was Revelle and he was Al Gore’s professor in harvard. But Revelle had confessed that he was wrong when there were more satellite data.

The history of global warming was told clearly and succinctly by John Coleman. He made a video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyUDGfCNC-k

b. The 97% consensus nonsense was also addressed in the above video.

c. Sea level rise scaremongering : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e82smfcypUc

Peter Van Der Lans
19 Jul 2019 10.59am
Reply to  Obs Frfar

Obs Frfar excellent argument to do nothing. Leave it as it is, burn more fosil fuels, drop more plastic in the oceans, breed more children. All science sucks. I. What world are you living?

Obs Frfar
19 Jul 2019 6.54pm
Reply to  Obs Frfar

Peter Van Der Lans No, that’s not my argument. In order to take right actions there must be right intention. In order for right intention not to cause harm there must be right knowledge and wisdom. CO2 as the cause of global warming is wrong knowledge in so many fronts. If you cared to explore this topic you will realised that this global warming due to human activities was a scam. Every few years they would come out with some scare tactic and NONE OF THEIR PREDICTIONS HAD COME TRUE. It takes great mental dissonance not to see this and still accept it’s fictitious outcomes. Since 1998 there had not been any warming and IPCC assessment in 2012 ACKNOWLEDGED THAT. They said they did not know why. By 2015 when warming still wasn’t there and the models kept predicting runaway warming it had become embarassing. So they changed tactic and now called it “climate change” and in so doing every WEATHER EVENT is now included as the result of “climate change” with the subtle message that this was due to warming as a result of man’s… Read more »

Obs Frfar
19 Jul 2019 8.46pm
Reply to  Obs Frfar

d. One of your contention was that the artic sea ice had been melting and this will cause huge problems. But the artic sea ice had been melting and freezing over the years but the last few years the artic sea ice had really become very thick.

Have a look at the research done by Tony Heller on this. If you go to his channel and search on “artic” you will get a load of videos and references. Don’t believe him…..fact check him.



Obs Frfar
19 Jul 2019 9.03pm
Reply to  Obs Frfar

e. Antartic melting at an unprecedented rate ? You need a better perspective. There were 3 antartic research stations over the years. 2 of them are already under ice so thick it can’t be dug out. The 3rd is only barely serviceable because they had the foresight to put it on stilt that can be jacked up.

Have a look at this.


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