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Highlights from Aliran Monthly

Year 2005 (Volume 25)


Koon: PORR contract mired in controversy - Contracts without open tender will encourage graft
Sarajun: The Mukhtar Mai story - rape and conflicting legal systems in Pakistan
Santiago: Murky figures cloud water tariff hikes - Challenges in water management in Malaysia
Seneviratne: Devastating silence - double standards in media coverage of tsunami and Fallujah
Ramakrishnan: Hot air over corruption - Time to walk the talk
TI Malaysia: Citation for National Integrity Award winner - Aliran wins integrity medal
Aliran: Compassion and justice missing - The Moorthy Maniam case
Editor's Note


Loh: Crisis in Malaysia�s public universities? - Balancing excellence with massification
Toh: Supporting the formal system - Role of the State Government in education development
Mazeni & Pang: Unfortunate labelling - Equating Liberal Islam with Islam Hadhari is irresponsible
George: Finally, equal treatment for foreign workers - but will the exploitation end?
Ramakrishnan: Increasing trend in lawlessness - Integrity is still sorely lacking in public life
NGOs: No more foot-dragging - Set up the Independent Police Complaints Commission!
Arutchelvan: Oh no, not another commission... - Ensure recommendations are implemented
Editor's Note


Devaraj: Sharing roles and responsibilities - education system must reflect gender equality
Subramaniam: Advocating freedom, justice and accountability - Aliran's survival at stake
Mustafa & Anil: Creating free spaces and alternative ideas - press freedom struggle
Ramakrishnan: Standing up for freedom and justice - Let history record our struggle
Exco: Thanks for sharing this journey with us - A special message
SMM: Campus polls boycott - Students call for restoration of genuine democracy
Netto: A long and winding road - Celebrating 25 years of Aliran Monthly
Amer Hamzah: Separation of powers under threat - Concern over new Parliament post or dept
Kessler: Islam, the state and freedom of religion in Malaysia
Editor's Note


Shakila: Why did the chicken cross the border? - A children's play with a difference
NGOs: POPO - The other ISA - Joint memo calling for its repeal
Aliran: A perspective on national unity - Memo to Parliamentary Select Committee
Lim: Debating an equitable Malaysia - Towards an alternative New National Agenda
Ramakrishnan: UMNO has failed the poor Malays - 39 per cent of schools without toilet facilities
Hilley: Political contrition - The pitfalls and possibilities of 'coming clean'
Nicholas: Orang Asli land rights upheld - verdict shows local laws can protect marginalised
Loh: Pearl lost in the garbage and jerebu - Ignorant Penangites living amidst rubbish, smog
NGOs: You're not serious, Suhakam! - NGOs protest Suhakam's invitation to Dr M
Arutchelvan: Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! - Gloom over housing demolitions
Editor's Note


Raj: Book review - Back to an ethnic future?
Koon: Time for a switch? - We can save RM12 billion per year if we use more diesel vehicles
George: Re-nationalise these profiteering firms - Mahathir's privatisation burden
Khoo: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! - Greed was the agenda of the day
Thinking Allowed: AP, APs and API
Bennet: UMNO - A threat to national prosperity - Addiction to ethnic privileges, subsidies
Koon: Less aggression, more appreciation, please - Govt's bumi contractors policy has failed
Hilley: 7 July - Islam and the problem of �British values�
Editor's Note


Fan: Are our hills alive with the sound of music? - Kinta Valley's limestone hills cut down
Ramakrishnan: Records are indispensable - Need to remember clearly what was done to whom
Jalleh: The truth about privatisation - It has led to more bailouts than benefits in Bolehland
Malik Imtiaz: We are committed to dialogue - Response to criticism of Interfaith Commission plan
Thinking Allowed
George: Champion of the downtrodden - V David, pillar of the Malaysian workers' movement
Hilley: G8 Gleneagles - Stages, stooges and a week of dissent
Tan: Grappling with a tragedy - Two London students try to make sense of the London blasts
Tan: A city in shock - Malaysian student surveys the streets of London after the 7 July blasts
Editor's Note


Koon: Why are there so few successful bumiputera contractors? - How to produce more
Wong: City cabs - Taxi-drivers are human beings trying to earn a living to support loved ones
Inside Observer: Informed toleration - Society must be built based on common understanding
Batin: Homeless in our homeland... - We have been here for a thousand generations
Tan: Akar Umbi - Songs of the Dragon, indigenous identity and Temuan rights to the Forest
Haridas: Trust, understanding needed for inter-religious council
Hilley: Media complicity and the economy of double-speak - The myth of "objective reporting"
Aliran Monthly: Cakap tak serupa bikin - It is time to act, not to conduct more studies
Ramdas: The real test - The Royal Commission report on the police and its challenges
Amer Hamzah: Malaysia's forgotten children - refugee children lack meaningful protection
Editor's Note


Loh: Earth - The final frontier for human rights (Part II) - The right to exist now more relevant
Wong: A mega-mall tale - take a look at the grim realities for shopping mall workers
G Lim: Sabah truly Malaysia? - the relationship between Sabah and West Malaysia
Koon: How to solve the diesel shortage - and save the nation billions of ringgit
Subramaniam: Can we afford to fall sick? - The proposed national health insurance scheme
Santiago: Reform the public sector - Keng Yaik's water privatisation will benefit cronies
MMA: The MMA's preferred model - Health financing authority should never be privatised
Syed Shahir: Globalisation erodes workers' rights - A call for workers to resist the might of capital
Editor's Note


Loh: Earth - The final frontier for human rights (Part 1) - A global environmental crisis
Karpal: Bring back local council elections - Its abolition is the main cause for Penang's decay
Seah: Postmortem of the 1988 judicial crisis - Diarist, Daim, Mahathir must shed some light
George: Corruption spreads its ugly wings - Abdullah found wanting
Johan: Faultlines of Malaysian multiculturalism - Rethink objections to Inter-faith Commission
Koon: No need for RM 6 billion Pahang-Selangor water transfer project
Wong: Discussing "Sepet" over tau chooi - Our young people are fascinatingly multifaceted
Sarangabani: We were shamed by the police
Editor's Note


Young M'sian: Mother Nature in crisis: Economics of greed, power leading us to catastrophe
Jalleh: Remembering and re-living Romero - He paid the price for speaking up for the poor
R Devaraj: Understanding fatwa in the Malaysian context
Hilley: Putting compassion back into politics - Market demands threaten social cohesion
Thinking Allowed
The Penang Declaration - World Water Day 2005, Malaysia
Stop the War Coalition, Malaysia: End occupation of Iraq - Restore freedom to Iraqis
Netto: Why privatise water? - It is nothing more than the transfer of wealth to the private sector
Sarajun: A police state yet again - Riot police and water cannons crush peaceful anti-war protest Editor's Note


Huang Li: Picking up the pieces in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - A tale of hope and inner strength
Ramakrishnan: Judiciary and corruption - A Royal Commission of Inquiry urgently needed
George: Stick to your commitment, Abdullah - High-profile corruption culprits not yet prosecuted
Mustafa: Towering figures and forgotten heroes - People like Ahmad Noordin as role models
Xavier: Let's put our house in order first - Time to take action against employers and agents
CAUTI: Make concession agreement public - Memo to PM Abdullah Badawi
Rani Rasiah: Simple truths from the tsunami - Compassion, solidarity no strangers to human nature
Santiago: Why water must not fall into private hands - profitable PBA should be the model
Aliran Monthly to cost more... Blame it on Pos Malaysia
Editor's Note

Year 2004 (Volume 24)


Shakila: Radical novel challenges established norm - book review of Salam Maria
A Loh: A young mum�s school �Balance Sheet� story - high cost of sending children to school
J Devaraj: People cannot afford higher medical bills - privatisation will burden people
Joint memorandum: 81 organisations say �No� to privatisation of hospital dispensaries
Patrick and Ponniah: Fresh hope for workers - Winds of change in MTUC
George: MTUC election - Well done, Raja - His commitment and honesty recognised
Khoo: Our island, our world - Tsunami, Penang�s future and the limits to nostalgia
Netto: Tsunami impact - Fishermen worry about the future
Norlaila: 'Riot' at Kamunting - The real story
Editor's Note


Patrick: PM does not understand the issue - Plight of public sector employees under EPF scheme
Review ceremonies and titles - The issuing of titles to people requires serious reviewing
Datuk Watch - Too many honorific titles causing concern
Aliran's representation to Parliamentary Select Committee: Amendments to CPC and Penal Code
F Loh: Looking beyond developmentalism - The MCA must return to the struggle for democracy
Some snippets from Anwar's home-coming speech
Netto: Corruption cannot be ended just by talk - Crowds welcome Anwar home
Karpal: Opposition must not be discriminated against - Extend annual grant to all MPs
L O Tan: Has the MCA abandoned politics? - The party�s own �lifelong learning� has to begin now
Hilley: American dominance - Europe, Islam and the search for new politics
Editor's Note


P Devaraj: Furore over marital rape - It should be seen as a criminal offence
T W Lim: Browsing through book fairs - How do we fare in promoting technological knowledge?
G K Khoo: Just-do-it-yourself - Malaysian independent filmmaking
Annadurai: A claimant's ordeal - futile run-around in getting a copy of a court order
George: Malaysia's misfortunes and misery (Part 2) - If only Najib had not traded his votes ...
A Loh: Rice issues - What ordinary people really want from their govt
Nik Nazmi: Towards a new politics of ideas? - We are in for an exciting new era
Jalleh: UMNO - Maturity or mutation? - Contradictions surface at the UMNO assembly
Salbiah: A view on infant conversions to Islam
Gustri: When the virus comes knocking on heaven's door - The bird flu epidemic
B T Khoo: The house of the rising sons - What they didn't debate at the UMNO general assembly
SMM/GAMP, JERIT: Restore democracy on campuses; repeal the UUCA - students� demands
Editor's Note


Chooi: Dismissal of Supreme Court judges not justified - They were motivated to right a wrong
Seah: Colonels judging the generals? - Crisis in the judiciary (conclusion)
George: Malaysia's misfortunes and misery (Part 1) - Present malaise has roots in earlier event
Thinking Allowed: No deal between Pak Lah and Anwar
Syed Ibrahim: ISA is against Islam - Repeal this unjust law
Xavier: Shattered dreams and restored hopes: 22 migrant workers seek justice in Putrajaya
Hilley: Anwar and the limits of reform - Meaningful problem-solving must see root of problem
Maznah: The relevance of Anwar�s release - Anwar remains most enigmatic of Malaysian icons
Netto: A political earthquake - Anwar owes it to Malaysians to stand true to reformasi's ideals
Loone: Calls for �reformasi� in food and agriculture - launch of People's Caravan 2004
Raja Aziz: Tun Hamid's role - He took active steps to obstruct the due process of law
Editor's Note

Issue 7

Seah: The suspension of the Supreme Court - Crisis in the judiciary (Part 4)
George: Gimmicks, stunts and delays - Denial of right to strike and collective bargaining
McNeil: Rights, justice, and solidarity across oceans - US mountain-top removal coal mining
Pushpa: Law and equity shuts its doors on women - Realities of a spouse�s conversion to Islam
Nik Nazmi: Young Malaysians should be at the forefront of change
Rizal: Justice And jurisdictions - Shamala v. Dr Jeyaganesh (Muhd Ridzuan) custody case
Roy: Surviving rape in Darfur
Benet: UMNO is good for democracy - New, more democratic parties will replace decaying ones
Editor's note

Issue 6

Mustafa: Authoritarian governments and opaque democracy - Review of Garry Rodan's new book
P Khoo: The taming of the Dayak - The PBDS saga continues
Thinking Allowed
Seah: Drama in the capital - Crisis in the judiciary (Part 3)
F Loh: Whither public security in Malaysia - Snatch thefts, sex crimes and violence
Wong: Propagandists for the BN (Part 2) - Journalistic integrity in short supply
Aeria: ISA arrests in Brunei
Euro 2004: The fever and the frenzy
Editor's note

Issue 5

Tan: Let's enjoy our rojak songs
Wong: Propagandists for the BN (Part 1) - RTM and TV3 were the main culprits
Seah: Something's brewing in KL - Crisis in the judiciary (Part 2)
Shakila: Watch what they say! - Book review of Silberstein's "War of words'
Cecilia Ng: Women workers in Malaysia (1980-2004) (Pt 2) - Migrant workers/sex workers
Netto: Abu Ghraib and the ISA: What's the difference? - Time to outlaw all forms of torture
Former ISA detainees: Brutality in our backyard
J Devaraj:The 2004 BN victory - By fair means or foul?
POHD: Looking beyond the torture of Nirmala Bonat: The abuse of migrant workers
Editor's Note

Issue 4

Seah: The hidden story - Crisis in the judiciary
Razaleigh: Preserving our democratic legacy - Book launch of Malaysian Election Laws
Khoo, B. T: Isn�t the grass greener on our side? - Book review of The Chinese Dilemma
Ramakrishnan: Why Vadiveloo? Why not MAIKA or Samy Vellu? - An Aliran response
Rama Iyer: I have acted in the best interest of Maika - A response to Vadiveloo
Mustafa: Blog puts media on notice - 2004 General Election media monitoring
George: Trade unions and politics (Part 2)
Cecilia Ng: Women workers in Malaysia (1980-2004) (Part 1) - Gains and pains
Ponniah: Reform labour laws, revive the unions
R Devaraj: Keadilan - the need for introspection; important lessons to be learnt in defeat
S N Nair and Partners: Anwar's situation remains dire
Netto: Workers make their voices heard - May Day rally a rousing success
Editor's Note

Issue 3

G Lim: Back to the future? - BN has reshaped Sabah politics; now it must deliver
Khoo: A brave new world? - Worrying implications for democracy
Toh: Retaining the state seat of Machang Bubuk - an analysis at close hand
Loh: Understanding the 2004 election results - Looking beyond the Pak Lah factor
Wong: The Pak Lah factor - BN's PR boys promoted carefully cultivated "brand" image of PM
Hector: "Witch-hunting" - Un-democratic behaviour
Passenger: From the back seat of the calon's car - On the campaign trail in Sg Siput
Aeria: An open letter to Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Ramdas: An election day under guardian angels
Editor's Note

Issue 2

Netto: EXPOSED - Dark Secrets Of The Private Sector - Focus also on private sector graft
Hilley: Power politics, Anwar and the uses of market justice
Khoo: A transition and two elections - Abdullah has two choices
Hector: Freedom rules if fear is dead - Do not let fear overrule your freedom of choice
Say No to PORR - Nine reasons why PORR should be rejected
J Devaraj: Has Malaysia really eradicated poverty? - Unrealistically low poverty line
Mustafa: The media circus comes to town - The media are likely to make a spectacle of themselves
Libau Rentap: How about auditing bigger fish instead?
Aliran: Election offences
Aliran: What is a caretaker government?
Aliran: A thinking voter's checklist
Aliran: Vote for democracy (Chinese version)
Aliran: Undilah untuk demokrasi
Aliran: Vote for democracy
Editor's Note

General Election 2004 Special

Hector: BN has no respect for human rights
Jalleh: Pak Lah's change - A mere cheer and a chant!
Ramakrishnan: Stop this rot - The BN has turned the election process into farcical nonsense
Q&A: Opposition risks being wiped out - Vote Opposition to save some checks and balances
Hector: Hot tips on monitoring postal votes
Hector: Handy tips for free and fair elections

Issue 1

George: Trade unions and politics (Part 1)
Hector: Malaysia's fear factor
Insider: Hippocrates or hypocrites?
Netto: War on corruption - Hunting the sharks or ikan bilis?
Aliran: Is the government facing a fiscal crunch?
de Silva: Farewell Desmond - A diehard idealist who struggled to the end
Johan: WSF - Festival of the oppressed
Vadiveloo: A clarification 14 years later - the Maika scandal
Editor's Note

Year 2003

Issue 11

Riaz: A question of trust - Are religious institutions trusted more in an Islamic state?
Ramakrishnan: Maika - Bleeding again - A case of noble intentions gone awry
Ram: Is Samy Vellu really innocent? - He's not been consistent about the 10m Telekom shares
George: Restrictive laws squeeze workers - workers must realise the power of their votes
Thinking Allowed: A breath of fresh air
Hector: New face, same body: Abdullah Badawi is PM, and Mahathir is no more BUT �
Hector: Unheralded human rights defenders still deprived of education
Seah: If UMNO 11 appeal had been heard...
Amer Hamzah: To leave or not to leave - The refugee dilemma
Aliran Monthly may have to cease publication
Editor's Note

Issue 10

Jones: Illegal Immigrant
Tanjong Po: Freedom to Dissent
Thinking Allowed: A smooth transition?
Gomez: Where have all the capitalists gone?: Corporate Malaysia under Mahathir
Netto: Look Mom, it's genetically altered fish!
Chia and Aliran: Some hope for foreign workers?
Iqbal: �I am neither a terrorist nor a Sponsor�
Fan: Can UMNO wipe out corruption?
George: Exit of a self-made dictator - To him, natural justice and social justice are strange notions
Sivarajan: Judge grants crucial injunction - Govt's "zero squatter" policy put in spotlight
Editor's Note

Issue 9

Salleh Abas: Who lied about UMNO?
Book Review: Speaking Truth to Power by Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj
Mokhtra: Missed deadlines - Hopes for freedom in Burma are often raised only to be dashed
Thinking Allowed: Patriotism, gratitude and loyalty/Tallest columbarium?
Ramakrishnan: �Next change� or re-run? - Will we get the transition we want to see?
Arutchelvan: Let Chin Peng come home
Hilley: Mahathirism, other regimes and transcending mainstream politics
Ramakrishnan: Exorbitant and excessive - MPs' mileage claims
J. Devaraj: Midwife, nanny, spokesman And protector - Looking back at the Mahathir years
Editor's Note

Issue 8

Khoo: De-Mahathirising Malaysia - Abdullah Badawi�s debt to Reformasi
Tate: The Mahathir legacy - the bottom line is that Mahathir does not believe in democracy
Jomo: Mahathir's economic legacy - a chequered record of experiments, crises and escapes
Aeria: A goodbye letter - I shall not regret your passing from the political scene
Hector: Mahathir and the judges - The Judiciary during the Mahathir era
Loh: Dr Mahathir and the BN's hegemony: Demolishing the myths that sustain their rule
Aliran: Aliran and Mahathir - Looking back at the Mahathir years
Ponniah: Dr Mahathir and the Public Sector Unions - From popular movement to top-down organisation
George: Defend Workers� Rights - MTUC must strengthen the national centre
Netto: Impromptu Demo Surprises Shoppers - Citizens march to get their anti-rape message across
Editor's Note

Issue 7

Ng: Daily Vs Daily - Challenging The Big Boys
Mustafa: Media Overkill
Benet: Sarawak - Keen Contests in Urban Areas?
G Lim: Sabah - All Quiet On The Eastern Front?
Saari: Screaming in the Night - Hair-raising revelations by a few pre-independence veterans
Thinking Allowed
Nasir: Saudaraku Ahmad Nor - A Tribute
Tate: New Politics and a New Party - The Keadilan-PRM Merger
Rama: Suhakam - A Warehouse for Reports? - Is Suhakam turning into a creature of the BN govt?
Guthrie Stunned - Rarely have estate workers been accorded so much understanding in court
Will The Poor Get Justice From The Courts? - Lessons from the Ladang Bkt Jelutong workers' experience
Editor's Note

Issue 6

Jones: Ode to the Penang Ring Road
Ahmad Fauzi: Reforming PAS?
New Parliamentary Seats 2003
P Devaraj: Is Capital Punishment Justified? - Mistakes can and have been made,
Lim: New Rules And Constituencies For New Challenges? - Appearances of unfairness can erode EC's credibility
Toh: The Contest In Penang
Loh: New Politics In Malaysia
Netto: �Liberate Your Mind� - Released reformasi activists urge Malaysians to cast out their fears of ISA
Saravanamuttu: NGO Candidates For The Election? - Prospects for a Rainbow Coalition
Maznah: Winning Hearts And Minds - Malay Parties and Their Prospects
Aliran: Not That We "Cintai IT!" Less, But We Love ICT More - A dedication to Instant Cafe Theatre
Netto: Laughing out of Control - Instant Caf� are truly a hilarious Malaysian institution that is here to stay
Ong: "Rakyat" Activism - Kampong Bohol incinerator protest a new form of citizens� action
Editor's Note

Issue 5

Interview with Tan Jo Hann: Creative Media For Change - Popular communication and social transformation
Caro. L: Why Freedom Is Good For Us - For a country to progress, its people must feel free to critique issues
Thinking Allowed
Chan: Blood Money: Bayer, Haemophiliacs, And AIDS - hazardous medical products dumped in Malaysia
Khoo: Who Will Succeed The Successor? - Reflections on the Mahathir-Abdullah transition
Noraida: Citizens At Risk - Women And Gender-Based Violence - a rights issue not just a women�s issue
Netto: Don't Cry for Me, Malaysia - Mahathir bids farewell to the UMNO Assembly
Migrant Labour - Chia: Aliran's Facts "Wrong"/Aliran responds: Deductions Galore
Editor's Note

Issue 4

Bastian: An Embarassment for the State - Act now to wipe out custodial violence
Chandra: 25 Years of Telling the Truth - message to mark Aliran's 25th anniversary
Thinking Allowed: Read-No-Evil, See-No-Evil
Netto: Revelry and Reflection - Aliran's 25th anniversary bash
Subramaniam: Why Aliran? - Founder member's speech at Aliran's 25th anniversary dinner
Aliran Singers: Singing Allowed - World Premiere during Aliran's 25th anniversary bash
Ramakrishnan: Aliran Will Go On - President's speech at Aliran's 25th anniversary dinner
Hisham and Tian Chua: Messages Of Solidarity From Kamunting - for Aliran's 25th anniversary dinner
Cheah: I Was Assaulted Too - Home Minister must explain how this could have happened
Ramakrishnan: Assault in Kamunting - Keepers of law became violators of the rule of law
Premesh: Might has Overthrown Right - Human Rights Regression in Asia
Editor's Note

Issue 3

R Devaraj: Iran 24 Years After The Islamic Revolution
Fathi: Public Intellectuals And The Poverty Of Imagination - An autonomous public space is sorely lacking
Valupillay: Living With A Positive Attitude - A haemodialysis patient shares his experiences
J Devaraj: End-Game In Kamiri Estate - Ex-plantation workers face grim prospect of forced eviction
Raja Petra: Thinking Allowed - Will Anwar be Home for Christmas?
Kohila: A Shameful Deal - New guaranteed wage for rubber estate workers is well below the poverty line
AM Interview: "We Represent The Future" - Wan Azizah says top priority is the abolition of repressive laws
Tate: Doesn't Anyone Feel Ashamed? - Many do not want to know what is happening in the Anwar trial
PSM: Stop the Evictions! - Perak protestors calls for laws to protect rights of dispossessed
Perumal: Another Setback for Democracy - Attempts to register Parti Sosialis Malaysia
Loh: Asian Activists Converge On Penang - ARENA delegates dialogue with Penang NGO activists
Editor's Note

Issue 2

Wong: Language of the Hegemon - Some jottings on the Iraq-US crisis
Lee: May Whose God Bless America? Not mine - Bush's invocation of divine blessings is hard to swallow
Ahmad Fauzi: Apocalypse Now? - War and Peace: An Eschatological View
Noraida: Men Fight, Women Bear The Brunt - War harms women in a greatly disproportionate manner
Mustafa: Baying for Blood - International media, watchdogs or cheerleaders for war?
Toh: United to Stop the War
Saravanamuttu: War and Empire - The Invasion and Occupation of Iraq
Abd Rahman: Cease All Military Hostilities - Convene emergency UN session on Iraq
P Lim: A Rift in the Alliance - Germany and France are standing up to the US
APA: Anti-war Protests Grip Asia
Ang: Defiant Protest - KL antiwar protest on 15 Feb 2003
Netto: When Flower Power Meets The 21st Century - Penang antiwar protest on 15 Feb 2003
APA: "Why a War on Iraq Concerns Us All"
Editor's Note

Issue 1

Tate: The Role of the Opposition - A Conversation with Toni Kasim
Ponniah: Towards an Honourable MTUC
Thinking Allowed
Aeria: Silencing the Independent Media in Malaysia - Police raid on Malaysiakini
Netto: Clampdown on Media Freedom - Police raid on Malaysiakini
Netto: Free Media - An Endangered Species
P. Devaraj & Netto: From Ripples to Waves - Launch of Stop the War Coalition, Malaysia
Editor's Note

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